
Very good Hakka noodles in Puchong

  Good Hakka noodles in Puchong Some time ago, Meun insisted that we try a place known for good Hakka noodles in Puchong. Between the both of us, she is the one that is more interested and adventurous about food. From friend's recommendation to something stumbled on social media, she is willing to give it a try. Good food is important to her.

Yet another DIY mini BBQ pit

  Another home DIY mini BBQ pit project Yet another home DIY mini BBQ pit I made some months back. 2023 saw me building (and throwing away) a few BBQ/ charcoal fire pits. Why did I do it would probably be attributed to the fact that my friend who was in the car aircon business off loading a couple of car aircon gas tanks. These tanks are relatively small actually but KC does have many of them. So, I got to experiment with a few designs of wood stoves, and now this...kinda like a BBQ pit...a real mini. 

Day hike at Templer park

  The swimming pool at Templer park before the start of the jungle trail Its been months after my camping trip with Paul and JC at Lata Hammer before I manage to squeeze time for a day hike at Templer park. I cannot remember when was the last time I visited this park but there were a few very distinct features about it that I can remember. One being this very eye sore swimming pool. Its still there but in deplorable shape (what else is new). 

Welding is addictive but hard work

Welding is addictive!  This dirty, hard work people call welding is addictive! Ever since I started learning to weld using a gasless MIG machine, there has been numerous projects and repairs that has taken place. Welding projects is actually hard and dirty work. Do I have the skills? Probably not but that's not stopping me from learning and finishing up new projects!

Kayaking at Sepang

  Finally! A chance to test out the kayak We decided to go kayaking at Sepang since it is possible the closest natural body of water to us. We already made  it through the buying a kayak phase, so, its only natural we find a place to go test the kayak out. There is Sepang, Port Dickson and possibly Tanjung Sepat to try out the new 'used' kayak...all within a day's journey. 

Buying a kayak

  Buying a kayak for ouselves! We decided that we are buying a kayak for our own use. This time around, we went on the hunt for a double sit on top kayak. This (hopefully) would mean easier loading and unloading off the kayak. There are many kayak sellers in Malaysia now. We did not want to spend too much money on a new one, so...any used one will do. As long as the kayak is in reasonable shape and its a two seater. I looked for weeks on public marketplace before finally deciding to check for deals on seller's website. 

That itch with kayaks

  We had single kayaks for the longest time We always had that itch with kayaks. Kayaks were a big part of our working life in Langkawi many years ago. Back then we were working for a company called Wilderness Center (WC). WC was an outdoor education company and we took kids kayaking around the islands every week. Naturally we fell in love with the water crafts. The picture above was taken possibly in 2017 when we moved house.