That itch with kayaks


We had single kayaks for the longest time

We always had that itch with kayaks. Kayaks were a big part of our working life in Langkawi many years ago. Back then we were working for a company called Wilderness Center (WC). WC was an outdoor education company and we took kids kayaking around the islands every week. Naturally we fell in love with the water crafts. The picture above was taken possibly in 2017 when we moved house. 

Places to go kayaking in Malaysia

2018- kayaking in Port Dickson

I have paddled Sungai Perak, Lake Temenggor, Taman Negara, Batu Dam (before it was fenced up) and Port Dickson. Many of these places are overnight expedition worthy. My favorite place is still Lake Bera. It has something magical about it that is hard to explain. I have not done any major expedition at Lake Bera but the place and its people is just very pleasant. We have gone paddling there many times (we lost count really) but not in recent years. There is just too many things happening at the moment (lame excuse I know). 

Then I went and sold both the kayaks!

Lake Bera is still my favorite place

Yes, I went and sold BOTH of the single kayaks. It is one of those decisions and actions that I never thought through. Spontaneous, possibly out of frustration that they never get used much, selling them happened really fast. Both kayaks were sold early 2022 to two different chaps after I advertised them on Facebook market place. Both were really good single kayaks but I felt a sense of relief (at least that time) after I have sold them. They made space at home and I told myself that is another chapter of my life that is done and I thought. 

Scratching that kayak itch again

Modern vs traditional water craft in Lake Bera

I miss kayaking. I was on Facebook and for some reason, it kept showing me posts of people fishing on kayaks. There are also many kayaks from China being sold on Facebook. New kayaks with foot paddle were going for less than half the price of my kayaks when I first bought them! China has really made kayaks more accessible to all now. Buying the kayak is easy, finding the space to store and time to go paddling can be the real challenge. After much thinking, I told Meun about getting the kayaks. I was expecting a bombardment of lecture from her but surprisingly she agreed to it! So, I dug into the piggy bank (without having to break it) and started my hunt for a kayak. 


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